I came to the Gift of the Heart Foundation with David, my 9-year-old son, who suffers from cerebral palsy manifested in his case, in deepening inability to walk independently. Thanks to specialists from Children’s Hospital at St. Louis, who last year operated my son using unique SDR method, David begn to walk independently. Complementary operation, which consists of the Achilles tendon cutting, was held a few weeks ago, exactly on April 19. And though before him are many painful and exhausting exercises, I already know that my son will be walking normally. I see how well my child is doing and I do not believe my eyes.
We came back from St. Louis to the Gift of the Heart Fundation very happy. And here delightful surprise awaited us. It turned out that we are enrolled on a wonderful trip to Washington DC, New York and the Niagara Falls. It was unbelievable! Suddenly, something of a distant, unattainable “Dream Zone”, was to fulfill. There was no end of joy. April 28, 7 in the morning we went on this magical journey.