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Children come and go

 Lenka - przyjazd 2  Lena is here 🙂Lenka- przyjazd 3 jpg Lenka- przyjazd
Jas w D.S. 2Jas is our latest guest; he stayed at DS home for 4 days and last Sunday left for Children’s Hospital in St. Louis MO where dr. Park will take care of Jas’ orthopedic problems
1 2 Dawid arrived last Thursday and will be heading to dr. Paley’s Institute in West Palm Beach, FL this Friday.
Before heading to dr. Paley’s Institute in Florida, Michal spent few days with us. It gave us an opportunity to show him a little bit of Chicago’s versatility and awesomeness.1 2 3 4 5
 IMG_0745Patryk is very happy with his new look. New prosthesis he got thanks to an out-pour of support from many people, enables him to function so much better and do things that he could only dream about. Patryk and his mom are infinitely grateful for the opportunity and all help they received from Polonia and Dar Serca Foundation. Patryk left us memories and nice thank you card. You’re welcome Patryk & good luck!

027 Julia is about to leave us. She’ll be flying out this Wednesday but before it happens Julia and her parents sent us a thank you note for all the help and support they got from us. 8 months stay was a long time but all is behind now and they are happy for a chance to get help and the results  that after this were achieved because of dr. Paley’s amazing skills.


 IMG_3979 IMG_3980 IMG_3981 IMG_4010 Hubert is back home in Poland . He traveled LOT Airlines and the staff couldn’t be more friendly & helpful. He felt like a prince! This is always a case when it comes to GFHF children. Thank you LOT!!!


  1 2 3  Today we got a letter from Agnieszka’s mum. She writes: Dear Ms. Izabela!  It is hard to express how moved I am by all the care that we were given at GFHF/Dar Serca Foundation. In terms of financing our stay, there’s no way we would be able to make it at all! Only because of GFHF financial support that we managed to survive. We are also so very grateful for wonderful gifts that Agnieszka received from good-hearted people throughout our stay in the US. Thank you Board of Directors, generous sponsors and fantastic volunteers ! Our special Thank You goes to Tony for his dedication, friendliness and time he gave us and to Andrzej for his readiness to assist in any given moment. Both these gentlemen deserve highest recognition! Dar Serca is the first and  only organization that gave us so much.   What is the gratest is the fact that Agnieszka  gained self-assurance and confidence and became a completely different girl all around. Everyday I thank God for giving me and Agnieszka a chance to meet all thoese wonderful people at the Foundation. From the bottom of my heart I thank you! – Bogumila Gwizdala*********************************
1 2  After over 4 months stay with us Michalina left GFHF fr Poland. We had such a great time at the Foundation – Michalina’s mom writes- Thank you all , especially Iza, Tony, Ola and Roman for making the most difficult moments bearable. Because of you the surgery, recuperation and rehabilitation process went smoothly. Misia’s leg is straight  and she is walking better and better each day. She came back to school and she abonded a wheelchair altogether, which fact itself is unbelievable. Everybody, including doctors here   are amazed by the surgery’s effect. Once again we thank you for our dream to became the reality  – Dorota and Michalina Grzonka.
2  3  7  8 Mateusz stayed with us for just a day and left for West Palm Beach, FL where at Paley Institute he will undergo two surgeries
1 Julia is the latest patient of dr. Paley; yesterday she arrived to Paley’s Clinic in West Palm Beach, FL.
IMG_1617 (2) Gabriel, after a very successful spine surgery and recovery left us on May 1st. Zuzanna came for a check-up at Shriners Hospital and is free to go back to Poland. She’s leaving tonight.  Zuza O. Good luck guys and see you next year!
Andzia5 (3) Our stay in the United States came to the end. We are in Poland already and Andzelika is learning how to walk. In about 2 years she will be back to have her leg lengthened for 10 centimeters. We would like to thank all for the help Andzelika was able to get and volunteers for their constant care. – Andzelika nad her parents
Michalina (1) Michalina arrived last Thursday; yesterday she had her first visit with doctors/specialists at Shriners Hospital in Chicago

2 1 Mikolaj was here for just one day before heading for Florida. He’s only 2 but dr. Paley decided that he will be able to resolve Mikolay’s physical limitations. He is scheduled for the first surgery on the beginning of February.

2a 2 After 2 months of treatment at Paley’s Institute, Marcin left last week for Poland. On behalf of himself & Marcin, his father writes: I would like to express our deepest gratitude towards the staff of Dar Serca  Foundation, all volunteers and sponsors for making it possible to Marcin to come to the US for a medical treatment. It was truly our only option and I’ll be always grateful for your help. Having the care of Dar Serca enabled us to go through the uncertainty that we faced before. There are no words to describe my appreciation. From the bottom of my heart I thank you!

1 2 4 IMG_1159 Wojtek arrived yesterday; Santa knew about his coming so, left whole a lot of presents for him; Wojtek has been approved for treatment at Paley’s Institute in West Palm Beach, FL and he’ll be heading there this Sunday

Zojka Zojka is our newest child; she arrived last Tuesday to Craniofacial Center at Dallas Children’s Hospital in Dallas, TX.  Zojka was born with Apert Syndrome, a genetic disorder characterized by the premature fusion of certain skull bones. Meaning:  it prevents the skull from growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face.  The first of three scheduled surgeries is planned for November 20th. If everything goes as planned Zojka’s stay there will end in May, 2015.

Pindor Agatka Agata is here! She is most recent patient of Shriners Hospital in Chicago. Agata is being prepared for spine surgery that is scheduled for November 18th. We keep our fingers crossed for a successful outcome.

Ola spent couple of weeks at Mayo Clinic where the specialists run various tests in order to determinate the way of treatment of Ola’s rare condition. GFHF Junior Board took care of the financial aspect of Ola’s stay at the clinic.  She is back in Poland now and sent us this letter:
Ola podziekowania 002

Tomek Tomek spent 6 weeks in Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, MO where he underwent SDR surgery; everything went as planned. Tomek is doing very well and last Wednesday, September 24th, they returned to Poland.

Ola Marczak - przylot Ola arrived last week and on Monday, September 22nd, she was seen by specialists at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MI

104_1363 104_1361 100_1316100_1288  I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Dar Serca’s Board of Directors and its volunteers for all the help my son Hubert received while in the USA. Thank you for the services and financial assistance which made our staying so much easier if not possible at all. The hospitality and thoughtfulness and care made us feel right at home. We will cherish the memories for ever. Since we left Chicago( May 2014) Hubert’s conditions improves daily. He exercises every day and even though there is still long way to achieve a perfect condition, I know that we will get there soon. I know that Hubert is going to be alright. Once again , from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for your truly compassionate  hearts, for everything – Monika Gawron – Hubert’s mom – Lublin , Poland



Dominik1 Dominik arrived yesterday. He’ll be heading to St. Louis, MO on Tuesday for SDR surgery that is going to be done at Children’s Hospital there.


IMG_0487 Agnieszka arrived last Saturday and she will stay with us for few days; on Friday she will be heading to West Palm Beach, FL to start medical treatment at Paley’s Institute


Antosia - po leczeniu Our 9-months long stay in the USA came to the end. We would like to thank Dar Serca for constant emotional and financial  support . because of that we felt at ease the whole time and not alone in this country, so far from home. Anosia is doing better and better each day. Get used to walk on her own with a little help of a walker . Despite the fact that she suffered a lot, got a very long and painful medical treatments & rehabilitation, she  remains as happy and cheerful girl as can be. Thank you so very much dear friends at Dar Serca for all the help we received! – Antosia’s parents 



Dear Friends,

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all of you involved in Dar Serca charitable work for helping our daughter Alicja with all needed services while she was a patient at Paley’s Institute in West Palm Beach, FL. Alicja was born with quite a few developmental problems, one of those was deformed right leg.  Dr Dror Paley’s Institute was Alicja’s only chance for saving the leg. It took three major surgeries and 11 months to get results that doctor Paley and us hoped for. After very intense physical therapy afterword, Alicja was able to make few steps on her own! It was nothing short of a miracle for us. Even though this leg is still 6 cm shorter that the other one, and needs years of rehabilitation we are ecstatic that we saved Alicja’s leg and we’re looking forward to see her walk independently in the future.   Through all this time Dar Serca was always there with us helping any and every possible way including covering costs of additional physical therapy sessions in Los Angeles, CA and Boston, MA. It is hard to find the words to describe how important such support is. Without it we or any other parents of children with complex health problems, we would not be able to help them the way we could. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you  friends, supporters, sponsors and volunteers of Dar Serca for giving Alicja this chance for better life, for all help and support – Alicja’s parents,  June 2014


Antosia stayed with us just for a little while before heading back to Poland. With a help from her dad she made this postcard for us. Thank you Antosia & good luck!


  After 9 months’ stay at Paley’s Institute in West Palm Beach, FL doctors gave OK for Marysia to go back home to Poland. Good luck Marysia! Her parents wrote a thank you letter to Dar Serca, that is published on Polish version of this page. Thank you Marysia’s parents for all kind words. Have a safe trip home.



Michal is about to leave us. His parents wrote a summary of their staying : ” First of  the medical treatment that Michal exceeded our expectations! Because of dr. Reddy’s extraordinary approach to my son’s condition and fast decision, during the same surgery Michal got his colon & urinary tracks fixed. This fact alone was much more that we hopped for. Even though there’s a long way ahead of us, Michal is on a right track to full recovery and a normal life. Rehabilitation will be a major factor in this process but we all hope for the best! It all wouldn’t be possible without wonderful people that we met on the way, who made it possible that Michal’s future looks bright. We are so thankful to them all! Special thank you to Dar Serca Foundation that provided us with transportation, food and board during our stay in the USA. Please keep Michal in your thoughts and prayers for his speedy recovery and overall success. Thank you”  – Agnieszka & Jacek Kucharski


 Aside from being either before or after surgeries at Paley’s Institute in West Palm Beach, FL being I Florida has some perks: 100% enjoyable weather, beautiful site seeing opportunities  and each other company; number of children there change frequently but there’s always 5 – 7 at a time;  this photo shows beautiful group that is there now: Alan, Marysia, Alicja, Amelka, Antosia and Michal


 “Our stay here came to an end. Tomorrow, April 8th , after 7 months will be leaving Dar Serca. We have accomplished what we came here for: Lester’s spine is  straight! All his vital organs: lungs, heart and stomach will start to function normally given so much needed space to grow. Upcoming months we will focus on convalescence but we already are so happy with the after-surgery results. Following pictures show how amazing job the doctors at Shriners Hospital did:  spine before surgery  Spine after surgery     We are so very grateful to all involved in reaching this results and it’s  really impossible to name these wonderful people, there were so many of them that if they’d stand shoulder to shoulder it would be very big crowd. If you only count doctors and nurses there were 12 of them assisting in first surgery and 20 assisting in the second surgery! And costs: several hundreds of dollars! Someone had to pick-up the tab and we won’t even know the names of these people but nevertheless we are deeply grateful for their so generous hearts.  The staff and so many volunteers at Dar Serca made sure that all our needs were met. But than again: Dar Serca wouldn’t be able to do anything without constant support of the whole Polonia. I cannot omit  our spiritual family in Poland and here in the US, that held Lester in their prayers at all times. One cannot achieve anything without God’s blessing. Countless visits, phone conversations, gifts and presents made Lester forget about pain and concerns. We appreciate so much every single gesture of  compassion that came our way. Thank you for everything – Lester with parents


 Michal is already here! He came with mom on April 1st and looks like he became fast friends with Kalinka;


   Artur came to us last Friday and on Sunday was on his way to West Palm Beach, FL where dr. Paley will take care of him. Good luck Artur!


 Franio arrived last Wednesday, January 23rd but on Saturday he was already on his way to St. Louis, MO to get SDR procedure at Children’s Hospital   ************************************

Julia ( in the middle) left her friends Michal & Marysia at Paley’s Institute in West Palm Beach, FL ; she came for an evaluation only and will be waiting for dr. Paley’s decision in Poland


 Filip got back from a clinic in Dallas, TX on October 26th and left us yesterday to spent Christmas home, in Poland.


 Michal joined Zuzanna and Lester last night . Arrived with mom and in couple of days he’ll be heading to Florida where he will check in into Paley Institute for scheduled surgery on left leg.


 Antosia – another child accepted by Dr. Paley at his Institute in West Palm Beach, FL; her first surgery to start both legs reconstruction will be on Oct. 29th  Antosia enjoyed her long trip from Poland to Florida … now is plying  at the beach


 Jakub arrived with his Mom on Oct. 16th;  after just 3 days of stay with us they left for Florida, where at Paley Institute Jakub got accepted for treatment. The series of surgeries that dr. Paley planned for him starts with hip and knee alignment


 Zuzanna and Lester arrived last Saturday; they are approved for treatment at Shriners Hospital for Children in Chicago; their moms anxiously await for the first visit with doctors that is scheduled for tomorrow, September 12th 


 Krzys left on August 12th; after orthopedic surgery he is more than happy practicing  the art of walking; here’s what his parents say


 Maria is 2 and she also is a patient of Paley’s Institute; arrived on August 12th, first surgery will be performed on August 20th; Maria will be there for 3 months


 Alicja arrived on August 8th to Paley Institute in Palm Beach, FL; first surgery is scheduled on 15th and her stay is going to be no less than 8 months


 Kacper ready for departure ! After reconstruction surgery at Paley’s Institute in West Palm Beach, Fl  Kacper left for Poland on July 19th.


  Krzys arrived yesterday, July 10th and will be heading to Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, MO this Sunday, June 14th. He’ll have orthopedic surgery next Thursday.  Good luck Krzys!


 On July 5th Olivia and Mateusz flew ever friendly LOT Polish Airlines back to Poland    Enjoy the rest of the summer and stay healthy !


  Olivia’s back! Today she had a visit with dr. Gupta. He was happy that everything goes the way it should. And, what is most amazing thing that everyone scratches head about, including dr. Gupta,  as a side effect of the spine fusion surgery, Olivia’s feeling in left leg started coming back. Unbelievable and wonderful!


  After 7 months of hospital stay, few surgeries and endless therapies Alan got OK to go home. After a hurtful suggestions from doctors in Poland that his right leg should be amputated, Dr. Paley from Paley Institute in Palm Beach, FL  found the way to save  it. No wonder Alany is happy as can be! We all are 🙂  Alan’s thank you note to all of us. Thank you Alan!


 Mateusz walked in to our office today, literally!  it shows how successful  was SDR procedure that Mateusz underwent at Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, MO; he will stay at Dar Serca for next couple of weeks; then he’ll be heading home. Keep on walking, Mateusz!

 Another Mateusz said goodbye to us last Wednesday; after 7 months being with, after spine fusion surgery and lots of check-ups, doctors at Shriners Hospital in Chicago let him go back to Poland; you can tell how happy Mateusz was at O’Hare airport.

 Konrad came back to us on June 19th; he’s seen dr. Hamemberg who gave thumbs up on how Konrad’s spine is adjusting; everything looks very good and everyone is very happy

 Wiktoria finally got OK from doctors at Shriners to go back home. On May 26th she was happy to be on her way to Poland. Her smile from the plane says it all.

Later, in Poland her Dad and sisters were waiting, with flowers


On February 24th Jedrek was on his way back to Poland, to pick up what he left at school. New prosthesis is as good as can be and Jedrek left very happy that the visit was so quick and fruitful. From the moment of measurements through fitting and adjusting to the point of receiving a new pair of legs, it took only 10 days. Amazing!

 Jedrek with perfect prosthesis from Shriners’ that he keeps getting since he was a little boy   He is coming back for a new set of legs on January 13th; it is only because of a constant and fantastic care of specialists in the US, he can be independent and , in his case, ride horses like a pro!   He even  can be a cowboy if he wants to…   Way to go, Jedrek! We are so proud of you!


 First surgery is done:  Ilizarov apparatus was installed on Alan’s limb to expand the existing bone; after that doctor will decide what the next step is going to be.

 Alan is a patient of Paley Institute in West Palm Beach, FL; he arrived there on Friday, November 23rd  and on Monday he was already in the hospital

 Hania left on Nov. 2nd and our friends at LOT O’Hare  made her departure very easy.  As usually Zuzanna & Wladyslaw Gnarowski were there to help and assist; Hania is expected to return to Shriners Hospital next fall.

 Mateusz (here in his Halloween costume) arrived on September 27th; he a patient of Shriners Hospital in Chicago; before doctors determinate if they will be able to operate on his spine, Mateusz needs a lot of tests  which are still being run; we expect doctors decision not sooner then mid November

 Hania needs a spine surgery; she arrived on September 24, 2012 and was seen for the first time by doctors at Shriners Hospital in Chicago; after all kind of tests and check-ups they decided that Hania needs to get stronger and gain as much weight as possible in order to this surgery to be performed; they want her to be back to the hospital in a year; as for these so cute purple glasses – it’s a gift from dr. Sylvia Szewczyk of Okulista w Okolicy

 Marcin came to Dar Serca on September 13th and after very successful SDR surgery he left us on 22nd of October;  as always very friendly staff of Polish Airlines LOT at O’Hare took care of Marcin all the way to Poland

 Paulina is one of the children that got accepted at Children’s Hospital for Children in St. Louis, MO for SDR procedure; everything went as planned and after spending some time with us after surgery, she left for Poland in September;

 Filip arrived on August 24 to meet specialists at University of Chicago Medical Center ;  in September left for Poland

On August 22nd a  little boy from Romania came to us; Laurentiu needs an artificial limb; we all made sure he and his mom were very welcome here and the prosthesis was fit and functional

On Friday, August 3rd, Jakub left for Poland   Last Saturday Wladeczek went to St. Louis to  bring Jakub, his brother, mom & dad from St. Louis, MO back to Dar Serca,   Agnieszka and her parents stayed there for another week   Wiktoria is a 9 years-old girl and arrived to us on Sunday, July 15th with her mom. Today (Thursday, the 19th) is at Shriners Hospital for Children in Chicago for a check-up and evaluation of her condition.

 Agnieszka arrived with both parents on Tuesday, July 3rd. Right on time to celebrate the 4TH of July with all of us here. Her first visit at Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, MO is scheduled for Monday, July 9 2012

 Zuzia & Rafal are leaving but Olivia and Jakub accompanied them for the departure; as always Zuzanna & Wladyslaw Gnarowski are the first to greet and the last to say goodbye; Malgosia, second from left, representing ever friendly staff at LOT makes children feel right at home

 a new van has features that make any trip easy and comfortable;  on the way to the airport