One of the highlights of this year’s Spring Ball silent auction was a painting by well known and established Polish artist, Izabela Josh. The painting, called “A Dancer” was a donation of Mr. & Mrs. Jan Moranski from Poland. Thank you Brigida and Jan Moranski for such a generous donation. The bidders tried their best and we are happy to inform that the painting found a new home. The monetary result went straight towards foundation’s children. Thank you all for making it happen.
Here the painting as a part of this year’s silent auction, viewed by the guests
Thanks to our dear volunteer Ola Walkowiak, all the children that are recuperating after surgeries had a chance to discover the Mississippi River hand on. The weather wasn’t exactly cooperating but it was nothing in comparison to the fun that they all had. Thank you Ola!
Andzelika is still at Paley’s Institute in West Palm Beach, FL. but feeling very special due to a surprise visit of Miss West Palm Beach who brought loads of presents.
Here’s an example of activities that all children who attend GFHF Saturday Workshop classes have a chance to enjoy: they started with learning about healthy living/eating, a presentation by professionals in this field
tenhen, everyone’s favorite – Zumba dance practicing
Next, Ala Farhat, an artist painter from Israel, gave lessons of fine art and painting technics,
followed by Maria Klich, a bio therapist, who showed some healing and soothing skills
And then all enjoyed an hour of bowling at Kings Bowling – a very friendly place that welcomes our children every time they come.
Thank you all for making our classes so much more interesting!
Last Saturday was very exciting : Highlander Riders paid a visit and roamed around with children, and their parents (who couldn’t resist the opportunity ) on their cool bikes. The visit, that became yearly tradition is always well prepared by bikers: there’s plenty of fresh pizza, games, rides and lots & lots of fun. Thank you Highlander Riders! You’re the best!
More photos at the bottom of the Home Page.
More about that special day at
Last Sunday children were invited by members of Joseph Conrad Yacht Club, especially V-ce Comander Ms. Anna Grochowska, to get aboard of one of their yachts & cruise mighty waters of lake Michigan. What a thrill! Looks like it is a beginning of a very special friendship. Thank you!
MAK Memorial Golf Outing 2014 organized by Theresa and Ed Krawczyk as always brought big number of participants as well as Dar Serca’s children. They enjoyed the invitation very much. Thank you Theresa and Ed!
Theresa and Ed Krawczyk
Alan had lots of fun playing at the club house
Damian had an opportunity to thank everyone involved in organizing the tournament and the participants for their constant support and friendship
It was a very special weekend for all children that are staying at Paley’s Institute in West Palm Beach, FL. when Tadeusz Drozda, well-known Polish artist/actor, Mateusz Kusznierewicz – famous Polish sailor and members of our Board of Directors paid them a visit . To make it even more special, all the children received gift certificates Thank you!
American Polish Club of Florida organized a fundraiser with our children in mind and presented children with check for $2,842 Thank you members of American Polish Club for such a great financial support and your friendship.
Zuzanna had so much to talk about with famous Polish band Lombard members when they came to visit with her on Monday.
Andrzej Szopa, well known Polish actor paid Zuzanna a visit last week. Along with him came Dr. Aleksy Dobradin. It is always fun to have visitors at Dar Serca and, what is most important, kids love such visits.
Last Tuesday, Krzysztof “Diablo” Wlodarczyk paid children a visit; despite his very busy schedule before Friday’s important fight, Krzysztof found time to chat with them, give autographs and take pictures. Thank you for such a nice time! More photos at the bottom of the home page.
Check out the story ran in recent weekend edition of Dziennik Zwiazkowy
Gift From the Heart was honored that Polish reality star and supermodel Joanna Krupa visited the children of Gift From the Heart Foundation yesterday. Joanna toured the house and enjoyed an afternoon of company with the children and senior and junior board members of Gift From the Heart Foundation. Joanna is in town to promote her own charity that she recently started “Angels for Animal Rescue”. Thank you again Joanna and thank you Laurel Bridal Gallery for sponsoring toys for the children.
Last Saturday Jacek Ferdyn , one of those wonderful people who always find ways to spent time with GFHF children, took Rafal, Zuzanna and Lester around Chicago,
and to the Field Museum
Before very important fight this Friday at White Sox Stadium and Mr. Werner’s permission Artur Szpilka
could spent some time with Teo. We are also grateful that Andrzej Fonfara
found the time to meet with Teo as well. ****************************************
Today famous and successful fighter, Andrzej Fonfara, paid us a visit; children loved it!
Every single one of them got signed photo of the fighter and take a picture with him. Thank you Andrzej and good luck at upcoming big boxing event at White Sox Stadium! Famous and adored by millions Polish actor Jan Kobuszewski at Dar Serca;
ELENI at Copernicus Center with Wiktoria, Mateusz, Marcin and Olivia
WICI Dance Theater at Summer Party
Well known boxing champion Adamek is always ready to help children (here at GFHF Annual Radiothon in NY);
Another boxer Andrzej Fonfara (with Alan)that wears WBO NABO title very often visits our children and attends various fund-raisers;
Group of actors from Warsaw’s Teather spent some time at Dar Serca;