Donate ONLINE using your PayPal account or a credit/debt card
Donate from your salary
The support provided by regular payroll gifts is absolutely vital to our programs to help children. In some cases, the money raised is matched by your company. Regular payments deliver the sustained, stable funding necessary to deliver the ongoing help required to make a difference in our children’s lives. Your regular donation will ensure exactly this type of secure support.
Individual fundraising
Your support is greatly appreciated. It will make a real difference to the lives of our children. The Gift from the Heart Foundation relies entirely on voluntary donations to fund our vital work for children.
- Like us on your Facebook page and ask your friends to do the same. For your convenience we have Facebook pages in Polish and English
- Join us and stay up-to-date with GFHF children stories on YouTube , Instagram and Twitter!
- Promote us through your pages or blogs;
Other Ways of Support
Support us by shopping at AmazonSmile and choose Gift from the Heart Foundation as your charity and Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the GFHF children.
If you use Chrome, add the MakeMeSmile extension to your browser. Every time you shop on, it makes sure your applicable purchases are attributed to Gift from the Heart Foundation. Visit our MakeMeSmile page to learn more:
Share our content with your friends and use your social network to spread the word about the foundation’s work and the needs of children with disabilities.
Many volunteer opportunities are available. Gain experience, meet people and help the children. The skills and experiences that you acquire while volunteering can often turn out to be useful in your career development and even in your life in ways you may or may not expect. The volunteer experience may help relieve stress, enhance your resume or help you test out an interest in a new role or even a new career. Some volunteers gain leadership experience, which helps build the confidence necessary to move up within an organization. The Gift from the Heart Foundation is willing to serve as a reference, so don’t be afraid to join our group. You’ll have a lot of fun too!
Please contact our office at or call 847-671-2711 for ways that you can help volunteer your time or services.
If you are interested in joining the junior board (~20-40 year old) and helping up with charity events, sponsorship, ideas, marketing or just learning more about our mission please contact Diana at
How your company can help?
As a company, you can support the Gift from the Heart Foundation by fundraising in your workplace, holding an event or simply making a straightforward corporate donation. You can also give through your payroll programs. The Gift from the Heart Foundation works closely with companies to decide where the money goes and how to publicize the donation.
Please help put a smile on a child’s face!