June 2024, Wiktorek zawitał do Fundacji na krotki odpoczynek w trakcie podróży ze Stanford do Polski z międzylądowaniem w Chicago. Cala podróż zniósł w doskonalej…
Tag: Children
W sobote, 13 czerwca, poraz pierwszy w historii Fundacji, witaliśmy na lotnisku O’Hare czworo dzieci jednocześnie! Szczesliwie, na skrzydłach PLL LOT przylecieli do nas: Oliwka…
One of the highlights of this year’s Spring Ball silent auction was a painting by well known and established Polish artist, Izabela Josh. The painting,…
Click to see all photos @ flickr …
Lena is here 🙂 ******************************** Jas is our latest guest; he stayed at DS home for 4 days and last Sunday left for Children’s…
Zobacz więcej zdjęć @ flickr … On Sunday, August 16, 2015 the inaugural Gift From the Heart Grand Prix Bicycle Race will take place. The event…
We would like to express our deepest gratitude for all the help that we have received from Dar Serca that was so crucial in our…
This past year has been a very good year. Our everyday joint actions to raise funds and find new sponsors, and all the other work…
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for your support and generosity. Children & the Board of Directors
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