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What are we thankful for? Little Abi is making MEGA progress!


AbiSuccess Story – Little Abi is making MEGA progress! 

Abi, 2.5 years old, underwent an SDR (Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy) surgery in St. Luis Children’s Hospital earlier this year while staying at the Gift from the Heart Foundation’s House in Schiller Park during her March / April 2010 treatment.  
My little Abi is making mega progress – even doing squads on her own” says mom Ewa.  Mom and dad are carefully watching Abi excising every day, running outside and making incredible progress.  Even though Abi is still encountering challenges – balancing and standing flat on her feet – compared to her abilities before the surgery, the progress is incredible – according to mom.  Proud parents are documenting Abi’s process and are amazed how well she is doing. 
Take a peak yourself – Mega gifts from the heart are making mega changes in Little Abi’s life:
Abi 3 weeks before SDR  Abi 3 months after SDR Abi 7 months after SDR